Taster Lessons
Skiing/Snowboarding Lesson
Price: £19
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This is a 60 minute introductory session in skiing or snowboarding. You will learn how to fit your boots, how to get around in them and eventually balance on two skis whilst you slide down our beginner slope.
These sessions are perfect for age 7+.
If you have children younger than this, please see our Tiny Tot or Private section for more details.
Ladies Night
Price: £19 plus booking fee
Taster lessons FOR LADIES, BY LADIES. This runs on the last Monday of the month and lessons are only £15. Free cakes and hot drinks included.
Holiday Camps
Price: from £42 per day plus booking fee
These are undoubtedly the cheapest way to learn to ski. Our holiday camps run from 10am until 3pm and include at least 4 hours of tuition each day. Suitable for age 7+. Interested? See our Camps section for more information.
Please note: Prior to participating in any activity, you will be required to fill out a disclaimer form. You can do this online before you arrive.